A place to share things that delight me, amuse me and perplex me. A place about life.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Easier to Read
Mama, Come Feed Me!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Strength in Numbers - A Line in the Sand
I am all for solar and wind power in the right locations, but the easiest way to reduce oil consumption is simply through conservation!! Turn off unused lights; bump up the thermostat a couple of degrees; use cold water for laundry -- after all, how many of us get so dirty and germy that we really need hot water to get our clothes clean; take shorter showers. Drive a fuel efficient vehicle; consolidate trips; stop using plastic shopping bags. Just make a conscious decision to not be wasteful with anything related to oil. I'd really bet that if the entire population made a concerted effort to do that, our oil consumption would drop very significantly.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Bugs and Beauties
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Yum, Yum and more Yum!!!
Today I was up and out very early (at least for me) to go blueberry picking. Hubby was still in sleeping at 6:20 a.m. this morning when I left. Was expecting nasty hot weather but lucked up on cooler, albeit very wet, weather. Was a bit of a drive to get there (about 40 miles), but the company was pleasant and the time passed fast enough. When we arrived, we got our fancy berry picking waist thingies so that both hands would be free. What a wonderful invention!! Dr. L, the orchard owner, told us he had 7 1/2 acres of blueberries. And, unfortunately, he also told us that he was hoping to sell the orchard because he has developed some health issues that are making his work in it very difficult. He loves that place, but it's time to pass it on to someone else who will cherish it and tend it as lovingly as he.
She'd have a fit if she knew I took her picture!!
About midway in our picking, the lovely little drizzle turned into a downpour so we had to abandon our rows and pile into the car. After a few minutes of torrential rain, I figured I'd better get the Little Red Car out of the field and onto more stable terrain just in case, so we drove back to the roadside stand where Dr. L. invited us in out of the rain. After a good long while, the rain stopped and we were able to head back out to the field to finish our task. I picked about 13 pounds of the most glorious blueberries I've ever seen and they've all been washed and dried and are in the process of being batch frozen so they can be put in bags for easy access to a handful all year long. I fully intend to go back up within the next week or so to get more so I can share with the kids. I was thinking of homemade blueberry ice cream. Think it would be worth the effort?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Birds of Summer
Monday, June 14, 2010
Talking Trash
I went over to the beach early this morning for a walk. It was peaceful and the water was very calm. As of then, there was no oil on the beach where I was, but helicopters and planes were flying overhead. I’m sure they were tracking it. Was another scorcher of a day. Was up to 98 this afternoon in my back yard – and that wasn’t even in the sun!
Anyway, I was wandering around this morning taking pictures and just trying to take in the scenery. Been cooped up in the house too long. I left the gulf side and crossed over to the sound side. Was tootling along happily when I come upon this little vignette!
And can you believe some moron would leave TWO plastic 8-pack ring holders just lying on the sand for some unsuspecting bird or turtle to nab onto thinking they’ve found a nice jellyfish??
Everyone is screaming about how the oil is ruining our beaches and then we (collectively) turn around and do this to those very same beaches!!! If you can pack it up and bring it in with you, you can danged well pack it out with you, too!!!!! I’d call ‘em pigs, but that would give pigs an undeserved bad rap. So I corralled all their crap onto the t-shirt (an adult’s t-shirt, mind you) and hauled it up to the garbage can, muttering all the way. I was still fuming when I got home.
All was not dreadful, however. I found the most beautiful , perfectly formed shell well above the waterline. I checked it out and it looked like a creature might still be in it. I certainly couldn’t remove it. Since it appears to have been out of the water for a while, I dunked it in the sound to see if there would be any reaction. I think I saw one little bit of movement but that could also have been just the water seeping into the crevices.
Anyway, I couldn’t bring myself to haul it home with me knowing there was a chance that the creature was still alive, so I flung him back into the briny deep – or in this case, the not so deep, but definitely wet, where he’d have a chance if he was still alive.
I’m not really a beach person, although I used to love to go to the beach to watch the sunsets, and I do admit that I love a beach picnic when there’s a full moon. Particularly in the fall when its just crisp enough that a sweatshirt is needed. I’m fair skinned, blue-eyed and burn to a crisp very easily. Growing up in this area, my nose and forehead stayed sunburned during the summer as a child. Mama would send me out the door with a straw hat on, but it would be off and discarded as soon as I was out of her sight. And sunscreens were only thought of on the rare occasions when we went someplace “swimming”. Course, I never learned to actually swim until about 6 or 7 years ago and I’m still not exactly like a fish. Funny, you’re supposed to be able to swim and breathe at intervals, and somehow I’ve just not got that timing down yet!!!! Seems like a detail that could be important.
Y’all take care.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Weekend Steam Bath for Free!
Went over to the beach early yesterday morning to see if any tar balls or oil had washed up. None were visible at that point. News tonight says an oil sheen is very close to shore so it probably won't be long before we get some. Also wanted to check out the new pier which opened this weekend to replace the one destroyed by Hurricane Ivan. I was shocked to find there were hundreds of folks out there, most of them fishermen!! There will be a fee to fish from the pier but was free for the opening weekend. It's a beautiful piece of work.