Thursday, September 30, 2010

Birds and Beautiful Fall Weather

Oh, what glorious weather we are having these days!!!   I sat in the swing on the garden house porch this morning with my coffee and actually wore a long sleeved denim shirt.   It was fabulous!!!   And looks like the next 10 days will be more of the same.     I am so happy  that it has cooled off some.  It has been a very hot summer. 

While out there this morning, I saw some neat birds in the trees.  I studied one for over a half hour and I'm still not positive what it was.  The problem is that first year juveniles have such different colorations from adults sometimes, and the guide books don't  always show the juveniles. And the adults change appearances, too.  Makes it very hard for amateurs like me to know what I'm looking at.  Bird Lady friend says from my description she thinks it was probably a Tennessee warbler, but I'm not convinced.  At any rate, he was a busy little thing, obviously eating lots of bugs from the trees. 

The brown thrashers are back, too.  I hadn't seen them in two or three months.  They are usually here most of the year.  

Bird Lady and I spent yesterday birdwatching at  Ft. Morgan, Alabama.  The fall migration is underway and Ft. Morgan is a migrant trap.  In a nutshell, it means that as the birds head south,  they will stop on the last bits of land along the coast to rest and feed before starting that long flight over the Gulf.   Sometimes they just stay overnight.  Other times they'll hang out for two or three days before leaving.   Weather plays a role, too.  There were lots of birds there.  In some places so many that you couldn't decide where to look first!! And of course, being the amateur that I am, I didn't know what most of them were without Bird Lady telling me.  Now, during this time we were wandering along paths in the woods and crawling through brambles like you wouldn't believe sometimes.    We truly thought we had lost our minds at one point, but had crawled through so much stuff  there was no way we were going to quit.  Turns out, we had only about 30 feet more to go before we got to an open path again. 

Also got a few more blocks squared up on my brother's quilt today, but the phone kept ringing and I was distracted more than I wanted.

Y'all take care. 

(Still having that problem with the font I want to use.  If anybody has any ideas on what the problem is, I'd love to hear them.)

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