Monday, January 18, 2016


The Farm Girl is gonna be hibernating today.  Even though the sun is shining, its still cold outside.  Now, cold is relevant, of course.   We've had two dustings of snow thus far this winter and there's a forecast for a mix of snow and rain later in the week.  We'll see.  Good thing I like being tucked inside my snug house.   Except.......tomorrow is the beginning of the winter birding session through a local college.  Thankfully, there will be a classroom gathering before we head off to a local spot to see what we can find.  Hey, the sun is supposed to be shining so it'll work.   It's been done before.  

Birding February 2011 near Wheeler Nat Wildlife Refuge.  Yeah, snow.  
Saw my first whooping cranes in the wild that day, so it was totally worth the effort. 

After procrastinating for months, I broke down and bought myself a new toy for my birthday/Christmas present.  Got a new lens for my camera.  Now, to learn how to use it properly.  Otherwise, it'll be an expensive paperweight!!

Hope everybody is doing well.  We're staying warm and trying to keep the birds fed, the little pigs! 

Y'all take care. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

I'm Still Alive

I'm still alive and kicking, I promise.  Just being lazy and the procrastinating like crazy.

Hope everybody has recovered from the holidays.    We spent them with the kids in Iowa and had a good visit.  Weather was good, too, and that's a wonderful thing.
View from the window
I went out a couple of days attempting to find two snowy owls that had been sighted locally.  Absolutely no luck.   Bummer.

Gotta run.  Got company coming in a bit and I still need to vacuum upstairs.

Y'all take care.