This is one of those days when you can't sit inside. I mean, the sun is shining, there's the tiniest of breezes and its about 70 degrees outside. The yard calls. Hubby helped and we trimmed up some plants and shrubs that had been neglected. My fatsia bush has been overtaken by sooty mold and was looking quite ragged, thanks to old age and disease. I whacked it down to the ground where new shoots are already appearing. I also thinned out the ragged cast iron plants next to it. Now, I have to treat both areas with some kind of horticultural oil in hopes of killing whatever is attracting the mold.
The fatsia is the big plant right behind the tree. Didn't look like that now, though. This picture is from May 2010. I love those plants. The stand up to our heat and humidity well and to our cold weather, too. Although I think the extra cold we had this winter helped speed along its demise. But, the thing is about 13 years old, so I'm not complaining. And the little ones are sprouting up already. I'd recommend both the fatsia and the cast iron plant because they thrive on neglect and in shade. Once a year or so, I'll do a clean up and throw a handful of fertilizer of some kind on them and forget about them. My kind of gardening.
We're trying to empty out the garden house and use up the bits and pieces, but I ran out of fertilizer, so had to make a dash out to get some more so I could finish feeding all the plants outside. I am so lazy. Shoulda put out some kind of organic compost during the winter but didn't do it. I have access to free horse manure and I'd bet he'd even haul it down here, provided I took a truck load. But then, what the heck am I gonna do with a truck load of manure?!?!? (Oh, he's my brother, so he could be called on for that kinda thing.) I don't know if he still has these two horses or not. You know how horse traders are. But, he'll have horses till his dying day. His wife, too.
The oak leaves are falling like rain. We've already raked the west side of the yard about four times and it may need another one to finish them off. The trees don't lose their leaves at the same pace, so we're raking leaves in the spring for a good two or three months. I sure hope the oak blossoms hurry up and finish doing their thing. Hubby has a real problem with them. He's wearing a surgical mask for the first time this year and it is really helping.
I have absolutely no pictures to fit in here but what the heck. Here's an oldie that I like.
This child (oldest granddaughter) is now a freshman in college!!
Y'all take care and I hope spring gets to your house real soon if it hasn't shown up already!!