Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Local Adventure to Arcadia Mill

Spring temperatures are definitely here but where are the sunny skies every day?  Sure has been a dreary time around here.  We'll get one day of sunshine and then three or four gray days. 

Yesterday I went up an open house at Arcadia Mills.  I had never been to the location before.   You can read all about the mill here.  Arcadia Mill   

A primary reason for going was to see two friends working on hooked rugs.  For a long time, I've wanted to learn rug making but didn't know anyone who could point me in the right direction.  I'm expecting to hear from them in the next day or so as to when a class will be held by Ms. J.  Can't wait!! 
Wonderful fibers
These same two ladies are part of a fiber group that meets monthly in downtown Pensacola Village, the historic section of town.  There are spinners, weavers, quilters, knitters and folks who crochet.  Actually, anyone who works with fibers in any way is welcome.   They've invited me to attend next time and join in the fun.  I may take them up on it, provided I can arrange to have a project to work on and that can be taken along easily. 

Crossing Pond Creek on the swinging bridge was an adventure, particularly when more than one person was on it at the same time.  
Swinging bridge over Pond Creek

I was amazed how many people didn't know what these winged creatures were.  Termites are very common here in the south, and at various times they come up out of the ground and swarm through the air.   This swarm was resting on a nearly rotted piece of debris.  
Swarmed Termites

These guys were likely warm in their period clothing.  Looked to be wool for a number of them.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable day. 

Y'all take care.